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14 rue Galvani,  75017 Paris FRANCE

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Does your company present itself as a provider of business development services for clients desiring to expand their business offerings in the international arena?  Beyond the obvious activities associated with guiding, organizing and offering assistance in setting up professional activities in foreign countries - with specific reference to the administrative and logistical aspects of establishing an office/company in any location worldwide, does your company pay attention to those intangible, less conspicuous difficulties that arise when a company expands into another country ?  Does your organization promote successful operations beyond the quantifiable elements that go into a new business operation?  More importantly, is your company a leader in its field or is it merely satisfied with offering a standard set of services without  considering the full needs of a company once it is on the ground and has to deal with unknown variables in the new environment ?

Given today's international setting, a true industry leader has to look beyond the basic business development issues and also offer guidance on the human and culturally-based issues that promote success.  As a consultant on intercultural issues, CrossCulturalCurrents can help your organization offer a holistic approach to its business development offerings.  We offer workshops pinpointing the business and lifestyle approaches that can lead to the ultimate success or failure of an undertaking in a foreign country.  Administrative and logistical activities are influenced by cut-and-dry formulas, regulations and behavior that respond to clearly defined procedures and priorities.

Our expertise lies in the non-tangible area that is crucial to international business development: the understanding of the human/cultural factors that are essential to establishing a company or professional activity in another country.  Without this aspect of preparation, your company is offering its clients only a partial formula for success.

Our interest is to help you fill the gap and to become the recognized, leading company in international business development. That can happen if you are willing to incorporate a holistic approach to the international ventures it promotes.  Your organization can familiarize its clients with the general and specific cultural signals that lead to failure if not heeded.  You can also train your clients to foresee cultural gaffes and avoid situations that could jeopardize business dealings in a foreign locality.  Your clients should be able to observe differences in working habits, with the ultimate goal of promoting a positive and successful working environment for the long term.

CrossculturalCurrents is there to assist you in that process.

Cross cultural training session
Picture of a cross cultural training session conducted in De Panne (La Panne), Belgium
A workshop with members of the international staff of a major multinational corporation.


En tenant compte de l'environnement international d'aujourd'hui, un véritable lideur dans n'importe quelle industrie devrait regarder au delà des activités fondamentales du commerce et également s'offrir des conseils sur les questions humaines et culturelles qui favorisent le succès de son entreprise. Etant un conseiller sur les questions interculturelles, CrossCulturalCurrents peut vous aider à offrir à votre organisation une approche intégraliste à vos sollicitations du développement commercial. Nous offrons des ateliers concentrant sur les approches dans les affaires et les styles de vie qui peuvent mener au succès ou à l'échec d'une entreprise dans un pays étranger. Des activités administratives et logistiques sont influencées par les formules, les règlements et des comportements prévisibles répondants aux procédures et aux priorités bien définies.  Notre intérêt est de vous aider à combler cette lacune et à devenir la compagnie reconnue et identifiée comme un des lideurs dans votre secteur.




No mundo internacional de hoje, um verdadeiro líder no setor industrial tem que olhar além das atividades básicas do desenvolvimento de negócios, mas tambem oferecer uma orientação comercial com contéudo baseado nos lados humanos e culturais para promover o sucesso financeiro. Como um consultante nas questoes interculturais, CrossCulturalCurrents pode lhe ajudar a oferecer no seio da sua compania uma abordagem holística no desenvolvimento de negócios. Nós oferecemos sessoes de treinamento focalizados nas atividades e estilos de vida que podem conduzir ao sucesso ou à falha final de um empreendimento em um país estrangeiro. Os assuntos administrativos e logísticas são influenciadas pelas fórmulas, pelos regulamentos e pelos comportamentos previsiveis que respondem aos procedimentos e prioridades claramente definidos.  Nosso interesse é de ajudá-lo em tomar a sua posiçao como uma das companias principais e reconhecida por sua liderança no setor commercial.


Ce groupe travaille en français, portuguais et anglais.
Esse grupo trabalha em portugues, frances e ingles.
Sheldon AUSTIN
Paris/France - Miami, Florida/USA

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